Regulated Drainage & Water Searches

About the service

A Regulated Pali Produced Drainage & Water Search answers the questions in the standard Drainage and Water Search and provides information on different topics such as water mains and sewer connections, sewer adoption agreements, water hardness, building over or close to public sewers, billing and charging information. There are still thousands of properties in UK which are not connected to sewers or mains water. They may use soak always, culverts, rivers or streams to disperse surface water, septic tanks, cesspool for sewage and wells or boreholes for the supply of water.

Pali can provide you with a Regulated Drainage & Water Search for Residential and Commercial properties, or areas of land. A Regulated Drainage & Water Search provides underwritten and guaranteed information, alerting purchasers to unnecessary risks giving them and their adviser’s security, peace of mind and a clear trail of responsibility back to the Water Companies.

Pali will always make every effort to obtain the information required to answer the same questions as the Water Companies within the Pali produced Regulated Drainage & Water Searches. However, it is not always possible due to the restrictions on access to information imposed on search companies by the various Water Companies. When information required to answer a question on a Pali Produced Regulated Drainage & Water Search is not available, it will be stated within the report and insurance is also in place to cover financial losses incurred due to lack of information.
