Pali Teesside’s Fundraiser A Success!

Towards the end of last year, Pali Teesside proudly sponsored a fundraiser at Bishopton Village Hall to raise funds to purchase and install a playground for the local community. 

The fundraiser consisted of a Pie and Peas Supper where guests were able to bring their own drinks and take part in a fun quiz. The event which took place on 29th November was a great success! The community gathered and managed to raise an impressive £1000 clear profit for the playground.  

The targeted total investment is in the region of £100,000 which will provide age-appropriate ranges of climbing frames, variations on traditional swings, slides, see-saws and roundabouts, and sporting infrastructure such as goalposts and basketball hoops, all on safe surfaces.

All attendees reported a fun filled night and the Pie and Peas Supper was incredibly popular and enjoyed by all.

The community is now planning their next fundraiser for the spring time where they will host a wine and cheese night and include an auction of promises.

Well done to Pali Teesside for supporting such a fantastic cause. We look forwarding to hearing all about the next fundraising event.

If anyone wishes to contact the playground association, you can do so via email:
